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Meet the Builders: Battlebeast

The BattleBeast Breedables Celtic “Fire” Festival garden is a collaborative effort between Battle of BattleBeast Breedables, AineMari Flanagan of Building Daydreams, and Louen Couer of The Jolly Tinker, with contributions from other members of the RolePlay sims of Dragon Realm and Ynys Seamaide.

Relay for Life is something near and dear to the members who built and contributed to this garden. Our members have been long term, active supporters of Relay for Life in both Second Life and Real Life as many of us have been touched by cancer, either personally or through loved ones. Therefore, using our building skills to support Relay for Life in a Castle Home and Garden contest was something that gave us great pleasure.

What we love about the garden is that it is not just a place of beauty, but that we integrated the theme of “Once Upon a Cure” creating an interactive quest into it. As people travel through the four main sections of the garden representing the four Celtic “Fire” Festivals they will receive items (offered only during the contest and not included with the build to the winner of the auction) to do battle with the darkness that lurks in the center or our garden.

You will need to look for these items and touch to receive them. You can also receive information along the way speaking the name of the god or goddesses associated with each festival at the “sacred” architecture in a festival area (Beltane/Bel/Cairn, Lughnasadh/Lug/Standing Stones, Samhain/Cailleach/Hag’s Chair, and Imbolc/Brigid/Dolmen) .

Finally, the three primary builders would like to thank and recognize Nemo Lockjaw, Vasa Vella, Bebe Couer, and Dulcinea Andretti for their contributions supporting our efforts. And finally, we would like to give a special thanks to Basona Melody, who not only organized and coordinated these efforts, but will also hosted and DJ'd our promotional dance in this garden on June 3rd at 2-4 PM SLT.

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