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Meet the Builders: Amethyst Starostin

SL: Who are you, what team are you on if any?

Ame: Amethyst Starostin of Team Strange Journeys

SL: What motivated you to do this contest?

Ame: The opportunity to create something that hopefully brings beauty as well as raises support and awareness of RFL and cancer.

SL: What are you most excited about?

Ame: The creation of the spirit trees around the center. Each one represents someone very special to me that has been lost to cancer.

SL: What are some tips you have for people exploring the contest?

Ame: I tried to take several things representative of the show Once Upon a Time to add...the maze for Alice, the apple trees for the Evil Queen, the pond surrounded by great trees for any of the characters doomed to live in the forest yet are still magical in their own right and finally the greenhouse in the trees to relax and remember.

SL: Anyone you want to thank?

Ame: I'd like to thank my personal, dance and business partner, Zach Starostin, for helping me create many of the items in the garden. Without his help and support, I don't know that I could have finished it.

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