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Meet the Builders: Raven Blood (whitemoonraven) & Sandie Loxingly

This time we caught up with the two behind one of the house and garden builds on the Victorian London sim.

CHG: Who are you, what team are you on if any?

We are Raven Blood (whitemoonraven) and Sandie Loxingly. Sandie is a member of the Inspired Dreamwalkers RFL team and Raven is a general supporter of Relay For Life of Second Life for several years.

CHG: What motivated you to do this contest?

Raven: I was asked by a good friend, Sandie Loxingly, to build for the contest. She wanted to do this so badly she asked me to build it and she would pay the entry fee. How could I refuse such an offer knowing how much RFL means to her.

Sandie: I have been a supporter of the Castle, Home & Garden Contest since the first year. Rowena was persistent in asking me to be one of the contributors this year. I am not a builder (aside from making really cool cubes!) but I can design, so I finally gave in and signed up, then convinced Raven to help me!

CHG: What are you most excited about?

Raven: See the response to my build. The greatest satisfaction to a builder is to see people enjoying what they have created.

Sandie: I am most excited about how well the build turned out. Raven designed and built the house and I designed the gardens. We had a quarter of a sim to work with, which is both a lot of space and not a lot at the same time.

CHG: What are some tips you have for people exploring the contest?

Raven: Take your time and enjoy it. Donate if you have the Lindens because it is a good cause. Make sure to vote on your favorite because all the builders have worked for months to bring this event to you.

Sandie: Take your time! I know several others have said the same thing, but it is so true. The designers, builders and organizers have put so much into this event, so enjoy their creativity while you can. The contest will be over before we know it!

CHG: Anyone you want to thank?

Raven: I would like to thank all my family that has come to my build site and offered their support, their suggestions, been patient with me not visiting them, and have tolerated my venting when something was not working right. Without them I could not have made it through this build.

Sandie: I want to thank Raven for helping me in so many ways make my ideas a reality (virtually). Also, my SL family, friends and of course my teammates for letting me do something as crazy as be a non-builder in a building contest!

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