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Meet the Builders: Julia Waugh (AphroditeStarr)

Chatting with Julia Waugh (AphroditeStarr)

SL: Who are you, what team are you on if any?

Julia: Julia of Team #69 Spirit Of Sherwood Forest

SL:What motivated you to do this contest?

Julia: Being a cancer survivor, building gardens in Second Life has been a way to connect to a land of fantasy and peace that is sickness free. It was an outlet for my two best friends and I to see peace in our worlds. Now with both my BFFs in the heavenly realm, I do this in their honor and remembrance.

SL: What are you most excited about?

Julia: Showing people in Second Life the fantasy world to which my friends and I escape when the trauma of cancer in the Real World just became too much!

SL: What are some tips you have for people exploring the contest?

Julia: Don't just look at the entries for what they have or don't have, or who has the more detailed/expensive piece. Look for the story, what each of the builds represents. Let the heart of the piece speak to you.

SL: Anyone you want to thank?

Julia: I want to thank Rowena and Cuddly for being 2 of the most amazing people I have met in SL. They have been there in my corner on my darkest days and for that I am eternally grateful. Also to Scar and Tisha, my best friends and family in both worlds whom this garden I build is dedicated in their honor.

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