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Meet the Builders: Bella & Rosie

SL: What is your name and your team name?

Bella & Rosie: Bella and Rosie with team Bonanza Country RFL

SL: What motivated you to do this contest?

Bella: Every year I'm motivated because of friends family and other friends families that are effected by cancer but this year I am more motivated because of my own diagnosis of colon cancer stage 1 and a lot of high per cancer plops.

Rosie: For my family and friends but for my grandfather that was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer that is terminal.

SL: What are you most excited about?

B & R: Be able to enjoy the time with the teams and all our relay friends being able to share in the fight to find a cure and seeing all the different builds and take part in some of the team events.

SL: What are some tips you have for people exploring the contest?

B & R: enjoy looking over all the builds remember each team or person put in a lot of time and thought into there builds a lot of love.

SL: Anyone you want to thank?

Bella: Rosie for the help she gave on the build in ideas and help with everything keeping me on track with the build. John Petersen for checking each area to help me line things up.. both of them for the awesome support and encouragement.

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