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Meet the Builders: Xyza Armistice

Xyza Armistice of the Relay Rockers shared her thoughts about her build and where she drew her inspiration from:

I am not a professional builder or landscaper, even tho I been in SL for so many years, I am still a novice at building.Due to real life commitments, I had some very limited amount of time to be in SL, I wasn't even sure if i would have any sort of build at all, but some wonderful and awesome people stood by me and encouraged me, and told me don't give up, YOU can do this, and i did it

My Garden Forest was inspired by various little things I found on the Internet. It was a challenge to put all these things together in such a short time for it to make some sense at all, especially by knowing it would be on the Smurfs sim lol. Lots of flowers, mushrooms, trees, green grass, and if you look around real hard you just may find a Smurf hiding somewhere. We hope you will enjoyI am happy with what I have created to support Relay For life Of Second Life in such a limited time frame Our Garden has been built according to the Build Guidelines for RFL . The Relay Rockers are proud to have been able to participate once again this year, in the Castle Home and Garden Contest. I like to thank my SL sisters Nuala and Arizona for their words of wisdom, Trader for understanding and support, Sally for helping me tweak script, and last but not least, that pesky OTTER Rowena who was constantly whispering in my ears ... "" Xyza you have 30 days left, are you done yet, you have 20 days left, have you started yet""...... it was a count down where ever she saw me or heard me lol. Thank you guys for getting me there.

~ Xyza, Team Relay Rockers, committed to fund raise for RFL

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