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Meet the Builders: Sylisan Fairywen

This time we caught up with Sylisan Fairywen of Team Shadow!

SL: Who are you, what team are you on if any? Sylisan: I am Sylis Fairywren, I have been part of Team Shadow since 2012. SL: What motivated you to do this contest? Sylisan: To be honest, Rowena. She is very persuasive. But truly I wanted to be a part of the amazing work Team Strange Journey's does. And now I am, and Rowena has kept my spirits from flagging due to lack of time! SL: What are you most excited about? Sylisan: Seeing all the builds, last years was incredible and this year with the over all theme it's going to be even more amazing. SL: What are some tips you have for people exploring the contest? Sylisan: Let imagination guide you! Suspend disbelief and immerse yourself in each space. SL: Anyone you want to thank? Sylisan: Rowena for keeping me motivated and everyone who donated to my Entrance fee!

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