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Meet the Builders: Mari Rence

We are getting back on track of our rounds to meet the builders responsible for the wonderful builds in the 3rd Annual Castle Contest.

SL: Who are you, what team are you on if any?

Mari: My name is Mari Ancalinon. I am doing a solo build simply because I am either crazy or a control freak :;laughing:; though honestly I have alot of time on my hands and I like challenging myself to see if I can build the best thing my skill level will allow me too as I love learning. This is my second year in the castle contest and my pure goal is just to prove that my building skills keep getting better.

SL: What motivated you to do this contest?

Mari: I lost my mother to pancreatic cancer just before christmas 2014. She was probably my biggests supporter and fan and now a large hole in my heart. I do this contest so others might actually finally not have to deal with the pain that cancer inflicts on so many people.

SL: What are you most excited about?

Mari: I am most excited to see what people think about the castle. It is my first all mesh build minus some sculpties I used in decorating. My biggest goal has been to make sure everything that you see in the build is what you get with the build. Most of which I have made myself.

SL: What are some tips you have for people exploring the contest?

Mari: One of the best tips I can give is do it slowly. There are a great many builders in this contest and sometimes the idea is obvious but others are not. Sometimes what is not evident can be missed if you don't take your time. Especially since this is a castle contest where there are a ton of hidden nooks and crannies (hint hint hint) you may miss things.

SL: Anyone you want to thank?

Mari: I can thank many people who have put up with me while I was going through the journey of learning how to do anything in blender but there is one very special mention that I just have to put in. Until a few weeks ago I lived with a roommate. He was always encouraging me even as I knew he was totally sick of hearing me talk about my castle. I lost him to a brain anuerism just a few weeks ago so he never got to see the finished product that he in a way helped build just by being a sort of willing ear and someone who I could bounce ideas off of. So as wonderful as all of my friends have been and long suffering too boot, I have to dedicate this castle to my mother and to my roommate, both called to another place long before they should have been.

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