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Meet the Builders: Serina Juran

This evening we spoke with Serina Juran about her beautiful build.

SL: Who are you, what team are you on if any?

Serina: I am Serina Juran, the co-captain of the Circle of Life RFL team, and I'm thrilled to be particpating in the Castle Home and Garden Contest this year. I've been relaying in SL since 2007 and have served as a team captain and co-captain over the years for Circle of Life. I also had the privilege of serving as co-chair for 2013 Relay as well as a RFL of SL Committee member in 2014 and 2015.

SL: What motivated you to do this contest?

Serina: Rowena asked me to do it and I wanted to support a great event.

SL: What are you most excited about?

Serina: The challenge of building to a theme I wasn't familiar with. Believe it or not, I have not seen Game of Thrones and I usually build to fantasy themes of Elven, dragon and others.

SL: What are some tips you have for people exploring the contest?

Serina: Take the time and explore the builds.

SL: Anyone you want to thank?

Serina: Thank you to Team Strange Journeys for hosting this awesome event, and to my team's captain, Edisyoda Resident, who I bounced ideas for the build off of, as well as helping to keep me on track with it.

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