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Meet the Builders: JasonConners

We are excited to have a chance to speak with Jason Conners (jasonconners) about his participation in the 3rd Annual Castle, Home & Garden Contest.

SL: Who are you, what team are you on if any?

Jason: My SL name is jasonconners. I am not on a team.

SL: What motivated you to do this contest?

Jason: I have never entered anything before and thought it would be a fun thing to try and it is for a good cause.

SL: What are you most excited about?

Jason: I am getting excited to finally finish this build and to see if it does good at th contest.

SL: What are some tips you have for people exploring the contest?

Jason: Take your time and enjoy all of the things to see!

SL: Anyone you want to thank?

Jason: I want to thank my partner Raven (silentraven1) for putting up with me. Lol.

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