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Meet the Builders: Catalina Staheli & Melodie Jigsaw

This time we caught up with Catalina Staheli and Melodie Jigsaw of the A Stand for Hope team.

SL: Who are you, what team are you on if any?

Catalina/ Melodie: Catalina Staheli & Melodie Jigsaw - for team A Stand for Hope

SL: What motivated you to do this contest?

Catalina/ Melodie: We participated last year and had the BEST time! It's great to be able to turn the imagination loose and create something as large and intricate as the castles.

SL: What are you most excited about?

Catalina/ Melodie: Seeing everyone's castles! The diversity and imagination shown is pretty amazing.

SL: What are some tips you have for people exploring the contest?

Catalina/ Melodie: Tips - look everywhere - walk all the castles - ask questions of the designers - have fun!

SL: Anyone you want to thank?

Melodie- I definitely want to thank Catalina :) Without her vision and inspiration we might just have a single prim block castle :)

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