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Meet the Builders: Tuor Resident

Tuor Na'kos Builder of "The Isles of Hope"

Throughout the 3rd Annual Castle, Home and Garden Contest we plan to highlight the builders who are participating in the Contest.

Today we are speaking with Tuor Resident builder of "The Isles of Hope"

SL: Who are you and what team are you on if any?

Tuor: Well, I am Tuor Na'Kos of the City of Port Olni in the SL world of Gor and the team I am with is called the Goreans in the Relay for Life.

SL: What motivated you to do this contest?

Tuor: I was invited by my teacher of building, she had seen a few of my builds that I had tinkered with, and asked if I wanted to enter this RFL contest. I was extremely honored that she believed I could make something worthy of the competition. I have watched her build major parts of our great city and she has made me a better builder in the process.

SL: What are you most excited about?

Tuor: It is just an honor to be able to enter this contest and I am most excited to be able to compete with some of the best builders in Second Life.

SL: What are some tips you have for people exploring the contest?

Tuor: I will be looking for theme originality and interpretation. Not everyone has the same outlook on themes, for example in my build i combined the original Disney version, Tim Burton's version and a few creative versions of the theme "Alice in Wonderland."

SL: Is there anyone you would like to thank?

Tuor: First, I want to thank the Lady Lucy Bronet who is the Ubara and Sim Owner of the City of Port Olni who asked me to build for this contest and she covered my entrance fee to compete. I would also like to thank the wonderful people from the RFL groups for letting me compete. Finally, I wish to thank my lovely Free Companion, Lady Telima Tanakh who has put up with my crazy building habits and stressful moments during this build. I just hope it brings in the funds to help with the RFL charities.

To explore Tuor's build at the the 3rd Annual Castle, Home and Garden Contest, please click here.

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